A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


add(List<T>) - Method in Branches
Adds a list of branches to the map.
add(String) - Method in PipelineAdmins
Define admin users to the pipeline.
add(Stage) - Method in Stages
Add a stage to be executed.
add(Map) - Method in StageTimeout
Add using a map of a timeout.
addBuildOption(def) - Method in Pipeline
Add new build options to the pipeline.
addBuildParameter(def) - Method in Pipeline
Add new build parameter to the pipeline
addBuildParameters(UninstantiatedDescribable) - Method in Pipeline
Add new build parameters to the pipeline.
addMap(List<Map>) - Method in Branches
Adds a list of branches to the protected maps.
addUpstreams(String) - Method in Pipeline
Define upstreams of the pipeline.
AdminInitializationException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.exceptions
An exception that is thrown when an issue has occurred while creating a PipelineAdmin.
AdminInitializationException(String, String) - Constructor in AdminInitializationException
Construct the exception.
ArtifactException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.artifact
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.artifact classes.
ArtifactException(String) - Constructor in ArtifactException
Construct the exception.
ArtifactInterface - Interface in jenkins_shared_library.artifact
Interface for classes handling artifacts.
audit() - Method in Registry
Run npm audit with default config.


bootstrap() - Method in Gradle
Bootstrap gradle.
Branch - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models
Properties of a branch
Branches - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base
Manages the branches of a Pipeline.
Branches(Class<T>) - Constructor in Branches
Constructs the class with the specified factory class.
BranchException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the Branches class.
BranchException(String) - Constructor in BranchException
Construct the exception.
BranchProperties - Interface in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.interfaces
Required properties of a model used in the Branches class.
Build - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines
This class extends Jenkins current build functions.
Build(def) - Constructor in Build
Constructs the class.
build(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Pseudo build method, should be overridden by inherited classes
build(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo build method, should be overridden by inherited classes
build(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Pseudo build method, should be overridden by inherited classes
build(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Pseudo build method, should be overridden by inherited classes
Build parameter name for "Perform Release"
Build parameter name for "Pre-Release String"
build(String) - Method in Registry
Build docker image.
buildDocker(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Creates a stage that will build a DockerPipeline package.
buildGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will build a generic package.
buildGradle(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Creates a stage that will build jars of your project.
buildNodeJS(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Creates a stage that will build a NodeJSPipeline package.
BuildStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the GenericPipeline.buildGeneric method.
BuildStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#buildGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
BuildStageException(String, String) - Constructor in BuildStageException
Create the exception.
bumpVersion() - Method in DockerPipeline
This method overrides and perform version bump on Dockerfile.
bumpVersion() - Method in GenericPipeline
This method should be overridden to properly bump version in different kind of project.
bumpVersion() - Method in GradlePipeline
This method overrides and perform version bump on gradle project.
bumpVersion() - Method in NodeJSPipeline
This method overrides and perform version bump on JavaScript project.


ChangeInformation - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models
State of the change information for a given git commit
ChangeInformation(def) - Constructor in ChangeInformation
Construct the class.
checkout(String, Boolean) - Method in GitHub
Checkout a new branch
clean() - Method in Registry
Remove last build image
clearPackageInfoCache() - Method in Gradle
Reset package info cache
clearPackageInfoCache() - Method in Registry
Reset package info cache
cloneRepository(Map) - Method in GitHub
Clone a repository.
closePullRequest(Integer) - Method in GitHub
Return infomation of a pull request
coberturaDefaults - Field in TestStageArguments
Default values provided to cobertura.
command(String) - Method in GitHub
Issue git command and get stdout return.
commit(String) - Method in GitHub
Commit all the changes.
config() - Method in GitHub
Setup git config of username/email based on properties.
Constants - Class in jenkins_shared_library.scm
Constants used by GitHub class
CPSBase - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
Base class.
CPSBase(def) - Constructor in CPSBase
CPSChild - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
Child class.
CPSChild(def) - Constructor in CPSChild
CPSGrandchild - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
This demostrate after the children class calling super.method(), the method is altered by CPS plugin, and the context to super is lost.
CPSGrandchild(def) - Constructor in CPSGrandchild
createPullRequest(String, String, String) - Method in GitHub
Create pull request based on current branch
createStage(Map) - Method in Pipeline
Creates a new stage to be run in the Jenkins pipeline.


Default Artifactory robot account Jenkins username/password credential ID
Default Artifactory URL
DEFAULT_BRANCH - Field in GitHub
Default branch name.
Default if pipeline should use gradle SonarQube plugin to run SonarQube scan.
Default Docker image prefix
Default Docker registry robot account credential on Jenkins
Default Docker registry url
DEFAULT_DOCKERFILE - Field in Registry
Constant of default Dockerfile file path and name
Default GitHub robot account Jenkins username/password credential ID
Default GitHub robot account email
Default GnuPG Code Signing Key Passphrase Jenkins username/password credential
Default GnuPG Code Signing Private Key Jenkins Secret file credential
DEFAULT_IMAGE_TAG - Field in Registry
Default Docker image tag.
Default LF Artifactory robot account Jenkins username/password credential ID
Default Artifactory URL provided by LF
Default if pipeline should use gradle SonarQube plugin to run SonarQube scan on LF SonarCloud.
Default Docker image prefix
Default Docker registry robot account credential on Jenkins
Default Docker registry url
Default GitHub robot account LF enkins username/password credential ID
Default GitHub robot account LF enkins username/password credential ID
Default NPM private registry robot account credential on Jenkins
Default NPM private registry robot account email.
Default NPM private registry url for npm install
Default NPM private registry url for npm publish
Default if SonarCloud server supports branch scanning
Default if pipeline should fail the build if code doesn't meet SonarCloud Scan Quality Gate.
Default SonarCloud scanner tool ID defined on Jenkins
Default SonarCloud server ID defined on Jenkins
DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL - Field in Constants
Default logging level.
Default NPM private registry robot account credential on Jenkins
Default NPM private registry robot account email
Default NPM private registry url for npm install
Default NPM private registry url for npm publish
Default PAX Packaging server default working space
Default PAX Packaging server credential defined on Jenkins
Default PAX Packaging server host name
Default PAX Packaging server port
DEFAULT_REGISTRY - Field in Registry
Default npmjs registry.
DEFAULT_REMOTE - Field in GitHub
Default remote name.
Default if SonarQube server supports branch scanning
Default if pipeline should fail the build if code doesn't meet Sonar Scan Quality Gate.
Default SonarQube scanner tool ID defined on Jenkins
Default SonarQube server ID defined on Jenkins
defineDefaultBranches() - Method in DockerPipeline
Setup default branch settings
defineDefaultBranches() - Method in GenericPipeline
Setup default branch settings
defineDefaultBranches() - Method in GradlePipeline
Setup default branch settings
defineDefaultBranches() - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Setup default branch settings
defineDefaultBranches() - Method in Pipeline
Setup default branch settings
delete(String) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Delete an artifact
deleteRemoteBranch(Map) - Method in GitHub
Delete remote branch.
DockerBranch - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.models
@see jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models.GenericBranch
DockerBuildArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the DockerPipeline.buildDocker method.
DockerException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.docker
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.docker classes
DockerException(String) - Constructor in DockerException
Construct the exception.
DockerPipeline - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker
Extends the functionality available in the GenericPipeline class.
DockerPipeline(def) - Constructor in DockerPipeline
Constructs the class.
DockerPipelineException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.DockerPipeline class
DockerPipelineException(String) - Constructor in DockerPipelineException
Construct the exception.
DockerPublishArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the DockerPipeline.publishDocker method.
DockerSetupArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.arguments
Arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.DockerPipeline#setup(org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.docker.arguments.DockerSetupArguments) method.
download(Map) - Method in ArtifactInterface
Download artifacts
download(Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Download artifacts
dumpProperties(Object) - Method in Utils
Return all properties and values of an object


Email - Class in jenkins_shared_library.email
Class to send email notifications.
Email(def) - Constructor in Email
Constructs the class.
EmailArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.email
Arguments available to the Email.send method.
end(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo end method, should be overridden by inherited classes
end(Map) - Method in Pipeline
Pseudo end method, should be overridden by inherited classes
EndArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.arguments
Arguments available to the Pipeline.endBase method.
endBase(Map) - Method in Pipeline
Signal that no more stages will be added and begin pipeline execution.
endGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Signal that no more stages will be added and begin pipeline execution.
escapeXml(String) - Method in Utils
Escape special characters in text to make it safe to put in XML
execute() - Method in Stages
Executes the pipeline stages in the order that they were added.
extractArtifactoryUploadTargetFileMacros(String) - Method in GenericPipeline
Extract macro of "filename" and "fileext" for artifactory upload file.



generateCpuChartForOneTest(def) - Method in PerformanceTestReport
Generate CPU Time Chart
generateCpuChartHtmlReport(def) - Method in PerformanceTestReport
Generate CPU Time Chart
GenericBranch - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models
@see jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models.Branch
GenericPipeline - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic
Extends the functionality available in the Pipeline class.
GenericPipeline(def) - Constructor in GenericPipeline
Constructs the class.
GenericPipelineControl - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models
Additional control variables for a org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline
GenericPipelineException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline class
GenericPipelineException(String) - Constructor in GenericPipelineException
Construct the exception.
GenericSetupStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Arguments available to the GenericPipeline.setupGeneric method.
GenericStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Arguments available to stage creation methods present in GenericPipeline
GenericStageArgumentsTrait - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Arguments available to stage creation methods present in GenericPipeline
get(String) - Method in Branches
Gets a protected branch's properties from the map.
get(String) - Method in PipelineAdmins
Get a particular admin from the User ID.
getArtifact(Map) - Method in ArtifactInterface
Get artifact information
getArtifact(String, String, String) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Get detail information of an artifact.
getArtifacts(Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Get list of artifacts match the criteria
getBranchTag(String) - Method in GenericPipeline
Get branch tag
getBuildIdentifier(def, Map) - Method in Utils
Get Build Identifier.
getBuildInfo(String, String) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Get build information from Artifactory.
getBuildStringMacros(Map<String, String>) - Method in GenericPipeline
Return map of build string macros.
getByPattern(String) - Method in Branches
Gets a protected branch's properties from the map by name pattern.
getCCList() - Method in PipelineAdmins
Gets the admin emails as a CC list.
getChangeSummary() - Method in Build
Render list of changes for a build.
getCommaSeparated() - Method in PipelineAdmins
Gets the admin User IDs as a comma separated list.
getEmailList() - Method in PipelineAdmins
Gets the admin emails as a TO list.
getException() - Method in Stage
Get the exception thrown.
getFirstFailingStage() - Method in Pipeline
Gets the first failing stage within _stages
getFirstFailingStage() - Method in Stages
Get the first failing stage of the pipeline.
getFirstStageToExecute() - Method in Stages
Get the first stage of the pipeline.
getFullImageName(String) - Method in Registry
Return full image name
getImageId() - Method in Registry
Return the image ID from last build
getLastCommit(List) - Method in GitHub
Get last commit information.
getLastCommitHash(Boolean) - Method in GitHub
Get last commit hash.
getLogger(String) - Method in Utils
Get a logger instance
getName() - Method in BranchProperties
The branch must have a name associated with it.
getPackageInfo() - Method in Gradle
Get current package information from gradle settings.
getPackageInfo() - Method in Registry
Get current package information from package.json.
getPreReleaseString() - Method in GenericPipeline
The pre-release string parameter of current build.
getPublishTargetPath(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Get real publish target path
getPullRequest(Integer) - Method in GitHub
Return infomation of a pull request
getReleaseIdentifier(def, Map) - Method in Utils
Get release identifier from branch name.
getSanitizedTestName(def) - Method in PerformanceTestReport
Return sanitized test name
getSigningKey(Map) - Method in Signing
Return GnuPG signing key id
getSize() - Method in PipelineAdmins
Gets the number of admins defined.
getStage(String) - Method in Pipeline
Get a stage from the available stages by name.
getStage(String) - Method in Stages
Gets a stage from the pipeline by name.
getTestSummary() - Method in Build
Gets a test summary string.
getTimestamp(String) - Method in Utils
Get current timestamp in a specific format.
getUriQueryString(Map) - Method in Utils
Convert a Map to URL query string.
getValue() - Method in ResultEnum
Get the value of the enum
GitHub - Class in jenkins_shared_library.scm
Methods to work with GitHub.
GitHub domain name for api calls.
GITHUB_DOMAIN - Field in GitHub
GitHub domain name.
GitHub domain name for downloading user content.
GitHub(def) - Constructor in GitHub
Constructs the class.
gpgKeyExists(String) - Method in Signing
Check if a GnuPG exists.
Gradle - Class in jenkins_shared_library.gradle
Methods to handle gradle project.
Gradle(def) - Constructor in Gradle
Constructs the class.
Default file name of gradle.properties.
GRADLE_PROPERTIES - Field in GradlePipeline
Default gradle.properties file name.
GradleBranch - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle.models
@see jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models.GenericBranch
GradleException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.gradle
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.gradle classes
GradleException(String) - Constructor in GradleException
Construct the exception.
GradlePipeline - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle
Extends the functionality available in the GenericPipeline class.
GradlePipeline(def) - Constructor in GradlePipeline
Constructs the class.
GradlePipelineException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle.GradlePipeline class
GradlePipelineException(String) - Constructor in GradlePipelineException
Construct the exception.
GradleSetupStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle.arguments
Arguments available to the jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.Gradle.GradlePipeline#setupGradle(jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.Gradle.arguments.GradleSetupArguments) method.
GradleSonarScanStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.gradle.arguments
Arguments available to the jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.Gradle.GradlePipeline#sonarScanGradle(jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.Gradle.arguments.SonarScanStageArguments) method.


hash(String) - Method in Signing
Generate hash file for a package


init(Map) - Method in ArtifactInterface
Init artifactory configuration
init(Map) - Method in GitHub
Initialize github properties
init(Map) - Method in Gradle
Initialize gradle project properties.
init(Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Initialize npm registry properties.
init(Map) - Method in Pax
Initialize pax packaging properties
init(Map) - Method in Registry
Initialize npm registry properties.
init(Map) - Method in Signing
Initialize signing properties
initFromFolder(String) - Method in GitHub
We can guess repository/branch information from an existing git folder.
initFromPackageJson(Map) - Method in Registry
Detect npm registry and scope from package.json.
interpretArtifactDefinition(String, Map, Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Interpret artifact definition
interpretArtifactDefinitions(Map, Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Convert Map of package name - definition to Artifactory download specification
interpretSemanticVersionBump(Map, String) - Method in Utils
Convert a version bump string to exact new version string.
InvalidArgumentException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown if an argument is invalid or missing.
InvalidArgumentException(String, String) - Constructor in InvalidArgumentException
Construct the exception.
isClean(Map) - Method in GitHub
Check if current working tree is clean or not.
isFormalReleaseBranch(String) - Method in GenericPipeline
If current pipeline branch can do a formal release
isPerformingRelease() - Method in GenericPipeline
If current build is a release build based on the build parameter which starts the build.
isProtected(String) - Method in Branches
Checks if a given branch name is protected.
isReleaseBranch(String) - Method in GenericPipeline
If current pipeline branch can do a release.
isSynced(Map) - Method in GitHub
Check if current branch is synced with remote.


JFrogArtifactory - Class in jenkins_shared_library.artifact
Operating artifacts with jFrog Artifatory CLI commands or Jenkins Plugin.
JFrogArtifactory(def) - Constructor in JFrogArtifactory
Constructs the class.



loadResource(String) - Method in Utils
Read resource file
login(Map) - Method in Registry
Login to NPM registry.
loginToInstallRegistries() - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Login to npm install registries
loginToPublishRegistry() - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Login to npm publish registry



NodeJSBranch - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.models
@see jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models.GenericBranch
NodeJSPipeline - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs
Extends the functionality available in the GenericPipeline class.
NodeJSPipeline(def) - Constructor in NodeJSPipeline
Constructs the class.
NodeJSPipelineException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.NodeJSPipeline class
NodeJSPipelineException(String) - Constructor in NodeJSPipelineException
Construct the exception.
NodeJSSetupStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.arguments
Arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.NodeJSPipeline#setup(org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.nodejs.arguments.NodeJSSetupArguments) method.
NonCPSBase - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
Base class.
NonCPSBase(def) - Constructor in NonCPSBase
NonCPSChild - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
Child class.
NonCPSChild(def) - Constructor in NonCPSChild
NonCPSGrandchild - Class in jenkins_shared_library.behavior
This demostrate after the children class calling super.method(), the remaining code of the children method will be skipped.
NonCPSGrandchild(def) - Constructor in NonCPSGrandchild
NpmException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.npm
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.npm classes
NpmException(String) - Constructor in NpmException
Construct the exception.
NPMRC_FILE - Field in Registry
Constant of .npmrc file name
nvmShell(def) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Run shell script under nvm environment



pack(String, String, Map, String) - Method in Pax
Create PAX Package
PACKAGE_JSON - Field in Registry
Constant of package.json file name
PackageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.package
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.package classes
PackageException(String) - Constructor in PackageException
Construct the exception.
packaging(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo packaging method, should be overridden by inherited classes
packaging(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Pseudo packaging method, should be overridden by inherited classes
packagingGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will package artifact(s).
packagingGradle(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Creates a stage that will execute SonarQube code scan on your application.
PackagingStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#packagingGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
PackagingStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#packagingGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
PackagingStageException(String, String) - Constructor in PackagingStageException
Create the exception.
parseFileExtension(String) - Method in Utils
Return file name and extension with the given file name
parseSemanticVersion(String) - Method in Utils
Parse semantic version into trunks.
Pax - Class in jenkins_shared_library.package
Create PAX file on the folder provided
Pax(def) - Constructor in Pax
Constructs the class.
PerformanceTestReport - Class in jenkins_shared_library.performance
Class to work with performance test report.
PerformanceTestReport(def) - Constructor in PerformanceTestReport
Constructs the class.
Pipeline - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base
This class represents a basic Jenkins pipeline.
Pipeline(def) - Constructor in Pipeline
Constructs the class.
PipelineAdmin - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models
An admin of the pipeline.
PipelineAdmin(String) - Constructor in PipelineAdmin
Initializes a pipeline admin.
PipelineAdmins - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base
Stores the list of admins for a pipeline.
PipelineControl - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models
Control variables for a Pipeline
PipelineException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown from the Pipeline class
PipelineException(String) - Constructor in PipelineException
Construct the exception.
promote(Map) - Method in ArtifactInterface
Promote artifact
promote(String, String, String) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Promote artifact.
publish(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Pseudo publish method, should be overridden by inherited classes
publish(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo publish method, should be overridden by inherited classes
publish(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Pseudo publish method, should be overridden by inherited classes
publish(Map) - Method in Registry
Publish npm package with tag.
publishDocker(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Publish a Docker image.
publishGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will publish artifacts to Artifactory.
publishNodeJS(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Publish a Node JS package.
PublishStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#publishGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
PublishStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#publishGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
PublishStageException(String, String) - Constructor in PublishStageException
Create the exception.
push(Map) - Method in GitHub
Push all local commits to remote.



Registry - Class in jenkins_shared_library.npm
Methods to handle NPM project.
Registry(def) - Constructor in Registry
Constructs the class.
release(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo release method, should be overridden by inherited classes
releaseGeneric(ReleaseStageArguments) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will execute a release
ReleaseStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#releaseGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
ReleaseStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#releaseGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
ReleaseStageException(String, String) - Constructor in ReleaseStageException
Create the exception.
remove(String) - Method in Branches
Removes a branch from the protected list.
Repository name of this jenkins library.
reset(Map) - Method in GitHub
Reset current branch to remote.
resetConfig() - Method in Registry
Reset NPN configurations.
ResultEnum - Enum in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.enums
Enumeration of the various build statuses accepted by Jenkins


sanitizeBranchName(String) - Method in Utils
Sanitize branch name so it can only contains:
ScmException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.scm
An exception that can be thrown from the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.scm classes.
ScmException(String) - Constructor in ScmException
Construct the exception.
send(Map) - Method in Email
Send an email.
sendReleaseNotice() - Method in GenericPipeline
Send out email notification for the new version released.
setException(Exception) - Method in Stage
Set the exception only if one doesn't exist.
setFirstFailingStage(Stage) - Method in Stages
Set the value of the first failing stage.
setResult(ResultEnum) - Method in Pipeline
Set the build result
setup(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Pseudo setup method, should be overridden by inherited classes
setup(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo setup method, should be overridden by inherited classes
setup(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Pseudo setup method, should be overridden by inherited classes
setup(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Pseudo setup method, should be overridden by inherited classes
setup(Map) - Method in Pipeline
Pseudo setup method, should be overridden by inherited classes
setupBase(Map) - Method in Pipeline
Initialize the pipeline.
setupDocker(Map) - Method in DockerPipeline
Initialize the pipeline.
setupGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Initialize the pipeline.
setupGradle(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Initialize the pipeline.
setupNodeJS(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Initialize the pipeline.
SetupStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.arguments
Arguments available to the Pipeline.setupBase method.
SetupStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#setupGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
SetupStageException(String, String) - Constructor in SetupStageException
Create the exception.
sign(String) - Method in Signing
GnuPG sign a package
Signing - Class in jenkins_shared_library.package
Sign package
Signing(def) - Constructor in Signing
Constructs the class.
size() - Method in Stages
Gets the number of stages added to the pipeline.
sonarScan(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo SonarQube Scan method, should be overridden by inherited classes
sonarScan(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Pseudo sonarScan method, should be overridden by inherited classes
sonarScanGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will execute SonarQube code scan on your application.
sonarScanGradle(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Creates a stage that will execute SonarQube code scan on your application.
SonarScanStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#sonarScanGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
SonarScanStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#sonarScanGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
SonarScanStageException(String, String) - Constructor in SonarScanStageException
Create the exception.
Stage - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models
A stage that will be executed in the Jenkins pipeline.
StageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.arguments
Arguments available to the Pipeline.createStage method.
StageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.exceptions
A generic exception that can be thrown during any stage of your Jenkins pipeline.
StageException(String, String) - Constructor in StageException
Construct the exception.
Stages - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base
Create the various stages of a pipeline.
StageStatus - Enum in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.enums
Status levels available for a stage type.
StageTimeout - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.base.models
Stage timeout information.
subtract(Map) - Method in StageTimeout
Subtract using a map of a timeout.


tag(String) - Method in GitHub
Tag the branch and push to remote.
tag(String) - Method in Registry
Tag the build image
tagBranch(String) - Method in GenericPipeline
Tag branch when release.
tagExistsLocal(String) - Method in GitHub
Validate if a tag exists in local.
tagExistsRemote(String) - Method in GitHub
Validate if a tag exists in remote.
temporaryUploadSpecName - Field in GenericPipeline
Temporary upload spec name
test() - Method in CPSBase
test() - Method in CPSChild
test() - Method in CPSGrandchild
test(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Pseudo test method, should be overridden by inherited classes
test(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Pseudo test method, should be overridden by inherited classes
test(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Pseudo test method, should be overridden by inherited classes
test() - Method in NonCPSBase
test() - Method in NonCPSChild
test() - Method in NonCPSGrandchild
testGeneric(Map) - Method in GenericPipeline
Creates a stage that will execute tests on your application.
testGradle(Map) - Method in GradlePipeline
Creates a stage that will execute tests on your application.
testNodeJS(Map) - Method in NodeJSPipeline
Creates a stage that will execute tests on your application.
TestReport - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.models
Test report archive information.
TestStageArguments - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.arguments
Represents the arguments available to the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#testGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
TestStageException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.exceptions
A generic exception that is thrown from within the org.zowe.jenkins_shared_library.pipelines.generic.GenericPipeline#testGeneric(java.util.Map) method.
TestStageException(String, String) - Constructor in TestStageException
Create the exception.
toMap(Object) - Method in Utils
Convert an Object to Map
toString() - Method in StageTimeout
Outputs the timeout in the form of "time unit"


UnderConstructionException - Class in jenkins_shared_library.exceptions
An exception that can be thrown if the class method is not implemented.
UnderConstructionException(String) - Constructor in UnderConstructionException
Construct the exception.
unpack(String, String, String) - Method in Pax
Extract PAX Package to remoteWorkspace
updatePlot(def) - Method in PerformanceTestReport
Update plot
updatePlotForOneTest(def) - Method in PerformanceTestReport
Update plot CSV for one test
upload(Map) - Method in ArtifactInterface
Upload an artifact
upload(String, String, Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Upload an artifact.
uploadArtifacts(List<String>, String) - Method in GenericPipeline
Upload artifacts.
uploadWithCli(Map) - Method in JFrogArtifactory
Upload an artifact.
Utils - Class in jenkins_shared_library
Various static methods which doesn't have a class.


verifySignature(String) - Method in Signing
Verify if the signature is good
version(GitHub, String, String) - Method in Gradle
Declare a new version of gradle project
version(GitHub, String, String) - Method in Registry
Declare a new version of npm package.


waitForInput(def, Map) - Method in Utils
Pause the Jenkins pipeline and wait for end-user input.
within(Closure) - Method in Registry
Execute scripts within proper docker registry





_closureWrapper(Stage, Closure) - Method in Pipeline
Wraps a closure function in a try catch.
_control - Field in GenericPipeline
More control variables for the pipeline.
_control - Field in Pipeline
This control variable represents internal states of items in the pipeline.
_email - Field in Pipeline
An Email instance to handle email related functions
_exception - Field in Stage
The first exception thrown by this stage.
_getStageSkipOption(Stage) - Method in Pipeline
Gets the stage skip parameter name.
_isProtectedBranch - Field in Pipeline
Tracks if the current branch is protected.
_isVersionDefinedInGradleProperties() - Method in Gradle
This checks if version entry is defined in versionDefinitionFile.
_junitResults - Field in GenericPipeline
Holds junit test result files.
_manifestFormat - Field in GenericPipeline
Format of manifest file.
_manifestObject - Field in GenericPipeline
Object of manifest.
_parseString(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in GenericPipeline
Parse a string using macros Map.
_readPackageManifest() - Method in GenericPipeline
Read manifest file if exists and fill in packageInfo.
_sendEmailNotification() - Method in Pipeline
Send an email notification about the result of the build to the appropriate users
_SETUP_STAGE_NAME - Field in Pipeline
The name of the setup stage.
_shouldSkipRemainingStages - Field in Pipeline
Tracks if the remaining stages should be skipped.
_stages - Field in Pipeline
The stages of the pipeline to execute.
_updateVersion(String) - Method in Gradle
Update version in versionDefinitionFile.
_validateReportInfo(TestReport, String, String) - Method in GenericPipeline
Validates that a test report has the required options.
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